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Hi I'm Claudine...

Updated: Jan 7, 2023

I wanted to introduce myself and let you know what this blog is all about, so you can gain as much as possible from it! Firstly, the basics, my name is Claudine and I'm originally from Boston Massachusetts in the US (yes I have met Mark Wahlberg). I moved to the Gold Coast Australia in 2016 for my doctorate degree in physiotherapy. I am also a trauma informed - evidence based yoga instructor. I have many forms of movement that I enjoy (dancing, lifting weights, running, yoga, pilates, the list goes on), I love helping people find different forms of movement that makes them feel good. Another passion of mine is traveling and immersing myself into different cultures!

I've had a passion for writing since I was little and instagram just doesn't let a girl truly express herself in those short captions! So I decided to create a blog. Here, I can put all my life experiences, pondering, ideas, inspirations, realisations, and also some educational information in one place. My hope is that these stories can help people is some way. To help you find joy, find inspiration, to find hope, and maybe to let you know that you are not alone in whatever struggle you are going through.

This blog is about life. The struggles and triumphs. But through the lens of a physiotherapist, a yoga instructor and forever yogi student, and a human being! To help direct you on my blog, most categories will be about movement in general, yoga, physiotherapy, and travel. This will most likely transform as time goes on. Please note that none of my blog posts are medical advise and is just meant to guide you, and connect people together. Please see your local healthcare professional for specific treatments or message to work directly with me. I'd be happy to help :)

As we travel through life, let's find more degrees of freedom within our minds, bodies, and souls, so we can live in kindness, humility, and compassion, towards ourselves, others, and to this planet we call home. I'm so excited! Let's get started!

Oh! Dis is me on a rock! Trolltunga, Norway. You should go. It's breath taking!

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